Pensacola, FL Landscaper, Designer & Horticulturalist
Mon – Fri : 7:00 -500
Unique Parking solutions

Retaining walls and parking solutions for this job in Pensacola

This job consisted of adding some retaining walls and fixing a parking problem the client had. I love the organic feel of the concept Roth Friar created when it comes to the added driveway. He’s not your average cookie cutter designer and we love him for that! His unique artistic vision is backed with an education from the University of Georgia with a Bachelors in Horticultural so every single detail and placement is for a reason that all just flows together. It looks good right at install and just continues to get better over time as things mature.

Unique Parking solutions
Pensacola Landscaper
unique curvy gravel driveway
Pensacola Landscaper
Unique Driveway Pensacola
Pensacola Landscaper
gravel being held in with metal edging next to a plant bed
Pensacola Landscaper
Pensacola Landscaper
Retaining wall Pensacola
Pensacola Landscaper